Monday, April 22, 2019

"The Simpsons," "The Iliad," & "The Odyssey?"

How is The Simpsons' video clip (Simpson's Video Clip) a parody and/or satire of The Odyssey and heroes in Greek Mythology?  Please list at least one specific from the Heroic Code as you explain and defend your assessment and thinking.  This response is due by 3:31p.m. on Thur., May 2nd.


Anonymous said...

Homer was in the place of Odysseus, he did the same things Odysseus did with a slight twist.

Anonymous said...

This video showed similarities and differences to the real Odyssey. It showed Odysseus and his men being lured by the Sirens to their island, it showed them being tricked by Cerse. In the video it had apparently taken Odysseus 20 years to make his voyage home whereas the real story it took him 10.

Anonymous said...

In the simpsons they portray one of the gods as foolish. In the clip they show homer as eating his friends after they are turned into pigs. In the video Homer does not have any heroic traits and seems to be a bad leader. In the clip When Homer arrives back to his house he only kills 5 people and in the book he kills much more.

Anonymous said...

In the Simpson's clip it exaggerates and puts events in a more modern context. A piece of heroic code can be that Odysseus is acting as a warrior when he is able to get inside the walls of Troy with the wooden horse.

Justin L. said...

it makes fun of the odysee and the choices he makes. it leaves out the cyclopes and a few other things. it also made fun of how he came home and then went to a bar instead of telling the tale of 20 years of his adventure.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons was a clever parody of the Odyssey because they referenced all the major events of the story and made some good puns. Homer fit the heroic code because he was too prideful to sacrifice to the gods. I enjoyed the river of Styx joke and the references to Zeus' past.

Aiden Graeber said...

The Simpsons video clip is a parody of the story of Odysseus in many ways Homer is Odysseus, Marge Penelope, Krusty and other background characters are the suitors, and Bart is Odysseus's son.

Anonymous said...

The Simpson's Odyssey clip portrays the theme of hubris from the Heroic Code when the Homer Odysseus decides not to sacrifice an animal for the Gods after being victorious in Troy. Because of his ego his journey is extremely prolonged due to the Gods being upset.

Anonymous said...

The video I think seems to make fun of the story in a way that both explains it well and also shows the choices he made.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons video clip was a parody because there was a lot more humor in it then the poem. In the video clip, it shows that Homer wanted to see the sirens with his team and didn't wear earwax, but they were so ugly, they turned away. Posiden was in the shape of a cloud and only created wind. There was no Cyclops and the sorcerer turned his fellows into pigs and then Homer ate them.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons clip was a parody because it made light of the poem and the situations in the poem. Odysseus is seen as a hero because in the clip, it shows Odysseus defeating monsters and returning home to his wife. This shows him as a hero because he overcomes those monster or obstacles with extraordinary mortal power.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons clip was a parody because it had some humor to what actually happened in the odyssey. Not all of the things that happened in the Simpsons were correct because Odysseus didn't actually eat his men when they turned to pigs. He also wasn't seen much as a hero when Odysseus was a hero. Homer was portrayed as a very bad leader.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons was a parody because of the humor that was involved. It shows the struggles and return home for Odysseus. However, the Simpsons left out the key event of the Cyclops.