Tuesday, April 16, 2019

"The Iliad" Educational Video & Heroic Elements?

What significant idea presented within The Iliad Educational Portal Link Video helps you establish a better understanding of the Heroic Elements: Heroic, HubrisGuest/Host (Xenia)?  Why?  Please explain and defend your thinking using references to the video's content.  This blog response is due by 3:31p.m. Tues., Apr. 23rd.


Anonymous said...

The video stresses the importance of the Trojan war, and the things Odysseus faced on his way home. Odysseus' journey took 10 years for him to reach home. He faced off with a cyclops, and after insulting the beast he was attacked by Poseidon's strong waves, all of which would consume men. The movie shows the characteristics of Odysseus, and how his pride could've cost him all of his men. He turned down the offer from Calypso to make him immortal, which reveals his character.

Anonymous said...

The video talks about the importance of hospitality and how important it was to be nice to someone in the harsh world and they both got a good deal out of this. This was a rule created by Zeus

Anonymous said...

This video helped me establish a better understanding with the hubris and heroic code. It also helped me realize the relationships between heroes and others. People were very hospitable towards them in most situations. It gives me a good depiction on Xenia and the hospitality between others.

Anonymous said...

The element that people had to remember these poems, tells us that the heroes in this story are legendary, that they endured more trials than any other hero before. The Illiad also stresses importance of the Trojan War and how hard it was to overcome throughout the ten years it had happened.

Anonymous said...

The video helped me understand the context around Xenia in the Greek time, because it went over my head at first. To me, it seemed dangerous to let random people into your home, but without newspapers or travelers, information would never be spread around. This does cause problems though, because it's easy to manipulate xenia to your favor, like when there was an attempt to steal Helen. Heroes are often saved by xenia, though, because an enemy who hosts the hero at his house cannot fight him later on. It's an interesting concept that would be cool to see in more modern-day literature.

Anonymous said...

The video shows Xenia was important to travelers. When travelers would visit somewhere people in the town would allow them to stay in their place and that hospitality allowed the host to get new information from the guest that they may not have gotten yet.Also without Xenia people would not have traveled as much.

Anonymous said...

The video brings to light the importance of the guest/host relationship. It shows that nobody would even travel to begin with if there were nobody willing to become a host for the traveler meaning the Odyssey and the Iliad would have never even happened. The video presents the benefits that the host gains when they accept a guest which was very interesting to me.

Anonymous said...

the clip we just watched i think i was about to be equal to each other i=eventho the outside world is not how your treat your friends it just tells us to be nice and the world will eveunly get better and better

Anonymous said...

The video shows the importance of the Trojan war. Along with the obstacles Odysseus faced on his way home. It took Odysseus 10 years to return home, and was attacked by many beasts, including a cyclops, and Poseidon's waves. He shows his character in the video by turning down the opportunity to become immortal. It truly shows what he is like, and what he acts like.

Anonymous said...

This video showed me that the relationship between the heroes was very kind. Even in the tough world they were in, they was still some hospitality.

Anonymous said...

The importance of being a good guest/host has always been prominent. When the Greeks and the Trojans were in a war, two members from the opposing parties realized that they had a friendship through generations because of hospitality. Because of the friendship, the two decided not to fight each other.

Anonymous said...

Mheret Tatek
The concept of Xena is explained trough this video, along with it's importance. It is a two way beneficial exchange between the guest and host. The host providing shelter, food and hospitality; and the guest providing news, companionship and sometimes gifts and blessings.

Anonymous said...

The video makes it clearer that all heroes were not as heroic as people say, there are normally a couple of things that the hero did which goes against what we would call a hero. The guest host relationship with a hero normally has terrible behavior from the host or the guest. Like how paris took the king of sparta's wife, but also can stop conflicts immediately like Diomedes and Glaucus who decided not to fight because their ancestors had hosted one another.

Anonymous said...

This video talks a lot about the law of Xenia or the hospitality of strangers. The video stresses the importance of this law when It talks about how travelers would not travel if they were not promised a place to stay and food to eat during their journey. Not only does the video talk about the Trojan War. It talks about Paris and Helen of Troy as well and how she was important.

Anonymous said...

The video explains the importance of how important it is to be nice to others. It also shows the relationships between heroes and others.

Justin L. said...

xenia is when you give hospitality to travelers in whch they give hospitality to the raveler and the home owner. the reason the trojan war started was because of xenia when paris went to myceinae to claim the kings wife that he was promissed by aphrodite.

Anonymous said...

The guest host (Xenia) is a significant idea of being a hero. People would travel but weren't guaranteed to find a place to stay. A hero would open their homes for travelers to stay and would hear things from the outside world. THat makes the hero's more humble and less prideful. A contrasting example of this is when Paris wants the fairest and most beautiful women to be his wife, but she is already married. Therefore, he goes to the house of the women and realizes she is already married and has to steal her away. Causing the Trojan war to start by being a terrible guest.

Anonymous said...

I think heroic is the best because not only do they display great bravery and courage, it is generally in favor of people in need.

Anonymous said...

It describes the importance of hospitality. This allowed the hosts to be open to more information. It displays the importance of kindness both ways. If someone is kind to you, you should show that same kindness back.