Sunday, May 2, 2021

"The Simpsons" & "The Odyssey?"

 How is The Simpsons' video clip (Simpson's Video Clip) a parody and/or satire of The Odyssey and heroes in Greek Mythology?  Please list at least one specific from the Heroic Code as you explain and defend your assessment and thinking.  This response is due by Fri., May 14th.


Anonymous said...

Homer has the same name as from Homer's Odyssey. They also show their own scene of "Odysseus" bringing the horse to the trojan gates. It just pretty much does it's own parody scene of the Trojan Horse. - Jack R

Anonymous said...

they mimicked the arrival of the trojan horse. and zeus and destroying atlantis. they made it funny but it still captured the slight meaningfulness if greek mythology

Emma T said...

Odysseus or Homer both know that they are very good warriors and this clip just exaggerates their confidence in themselves. In this video Homer doesn't think he needs to make a sacrifice and is then oblivious when they are blown in the wrong direction.

Anonymous said...

It is kind of exaggerating all of the aspects of the odyssey as it's more of a funny aspect of it vs one of a heroic story. It really kind of dulls the heroic journey down but still covers everything from him leaving all the way to him coming back just to leave again.

Anonymous said...

"Homers" version of the Odyssey pokes fun at all the serious parts of that story. An example is Homer's wife waiting for Homer to return, holding other suiters off and eventually waiting 20 years for him to come back.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons video clip is a satire of The Odyssey because it makes fun of how Poseidon altered Odysseus' course and it also mocked how Circe turned Odysseus' men into pigs. The Simpsons video clip is a parody of greek mythology because it mocked how the gods interfere with humans' life. The Simpsons video clip showed how the guest/host relationship doesn't always benefit the hero. In the Simpsons video clip, it showed that Circe offered Odysseus' men a drink that turned them into pigs.