Thursday, September 28, 2017

Is It The Power Of Love?

“Men seemed to have failed completely to comprehend the power of Eros, for if they did comprehend it, they would have built to him the greatest altars and temples and offered the greatest sacrifices, whereas he is given none of these honors, although he should have them most of all…”

From Aristophanes’ Speech in the Symposium

Please use any of the myths we read about love to critique or support this quotation? In your response, react, evaluate, challenge, or contemplate. (Please complete this blog response by 2:30p.m. on Tue., Oct. 3rd, 2017.)


Anonymous said...

Eros is the god of lust. I would agree that he is not given the credit he is do. But I would not say that he is the most important or powerful god. Not one that mortals should focus all their attention on. Humans can still make choices regarding who they love. In my opinion mortals would be wiser to make sure all the gods are happy and pray to the gods who most effect their life. Such as Zeus Demeter, or Poseidon.

Anonymous said...

Eros is another name for Cupid, god of love, so if "men seemed to have failed completely to comprehend the power of Eros..." that would mean they underestimated love itself. I agree that many underestimate how powerful love can actually be. As we have seen even with the god of love many other gods and goddess' have struggled with love such as Pyramus and Thisbe, Orpheus and Eurydice, Ceyx and Alcyone, and many more. Not only men have "failed completely to comprehend the power of Eros..." but the gods and goddesses as well.

Anonymous said...

Considering Eros is the God of love, I think this quote is saying men have failed at love. Love is meant to be a unbreakable power. Something that's created from trust, honesty, and compassion. Men don't think love is as important anymore and now many people lie, cheat, and betray the one they "love".

Anonymous said...

Love itself, is a hard thing to grasp hold to, especially for Eros (Cupid) and the God of love. With Cupid he has the power to just get any being he so desires at that moment. He can pick and choose anyone he so pleases and with that it is very underestimated for him. For Cupid it is most likely a metaphor for men themselves, with that branching down into mankind and that type of power of course it could be underestimated and looked down upon with that instance. For love to be invincible in a way, it just mainly can't for men.

Anonymous said...

As the god of love, Eros is another name for Cupid. And as depicted in the tale of Cupid and Psyche, the god that Psyche is to marry, Cupid, is a foul, mean and ugly beast whom is more powerful than that of most other gods. So therefore, would it not be wise to have the greatest sacrifice and prayers for the powerful gods who can change feelings of others at will? I do truly believe that people underestimate the power of love and what creates it and causes it, to use it as a drive is one of the most lethal weapons of them all, so why would you not like to please the god that has the ability to take away your free will more than others?

Anonymous said...

Eros or other know as Cupid. The god of love, who should be worshiped but isn't. I totally agree with this quote, its basicly saying today people dont value love. People today love is just a game or not as important of others. We have trust issues, cominment issues, are juedgemental, and so much more. Cupid knows all about love an dhow to make it alive. With his knowledge our world would be much more peaceful and understanding. Even i the myth of Cupid/ Psyche cupid not only tells about how important trust it but he teacher that you have to forgive ones you love. Cupid is full of knowledge and the world needs to listen to him.

Anonymous said...

The quote is essentially saying that humans, maybe even particularly men, will worship many gods but not the goddess and god of love, Aphrodite and Eros, even though he should be worshiped the most objectively. With Pygmalion and Galatea, Pygmalion's wishes and anguish was not recognized until he finally came forward and confessed his wish to Venus, and his words were heard. Back to the real world, Love is taken for granted because it isn't seen as being very needed to be understood and praised. It exists, therefore it is. But no one sees it as something that should necessarily be given the time of day because it isn't really seen as an impact of life. War victories, beauty, the harvest, wine, marriage, all of these things are tangible and sought after, but love comes closer to the soul and people just see it as something that'll happen when it happens, and doesn't need the worship that it deserves.

Anonymous said...

I believe this quote is referring to how men may worship gods and goddesses, but don't seem to give the goddess and god of love the same respect they do to others. I think this is referring to how many people don't really value love as much as they should. Love has lost a lot of the essence it once had, and that is quite obvious in modern day with how people treat each other. Cupid is important to this, as he knows more about love than most anyone else, and he should be respected more for what he does.

Anonymous said...

Being the god of a single emotion heavily impacts the human race seeing as how easy it is for man and woman alike to be deterred from their path just by a feeling of love, or a feeling of hatred. While this is true and someone being in love can control most men. Fear is a much better way of controlling the way man feels, and Eros cannot provide that fear. Gods on a much bigger scale like Hades and Zeus can comprehend the power of destruction among men. Because while Eros can kill two in love, Zeus can kill many more when angry.

Anonymous said...

I think that Eros doesn't get credit that he deserves because love is something that is very important for the majority of the humans on earth. It also means that humans have failed and take love for granted along with many other things. The God of war has been given much respect because he has great power. Eros should receive the same because of his great power and influence on humans.

Anonymous said...

I think the quote is talking about how men failed to understand how important love is and take it for granted. They get such happiness from it and yet they ignore the god of love, Eros, by not worshiping him as much as he should.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the quote because all of these people of ancient times, and even today are so “obsessed” with love, yet Eros, the god of love, wasn’t really honored. If we understood the power of love, the Greeks would have honored him more. We take for granted love a lot, and I think that us not honoring Eros is a bit of a parallel, or maybe metaphor, for us taking love for granted.

Anonymous said...

The value of cupid's message about love is conveyed through this quote because of how we value pre-existed ideas of religion but do not put your true heart into it. We just follow such rituals and never really connect to the deeper message of love within us. We are numb because of the organized ideas on love but cupid is what connects us to that inner emotion that no ritual can demonstrate.

Anonymous said...

This quote describes how man never truly understood how sacred and powerful love is. Although it doesn't say it I feel like the quote tries to inform those reading it that love can considered the cause of many events. For example take the death of Uranus it was all because Gaia loved her children and sent Cronus to kill him. This shows how the quote describes that had men understood the meaning of love they would have worshiped it more.

Ethan H

Anonymous said...

If Eros is the god of love the reason that he was not worshiped as much as say, Athena, was because man most likely missed the point of love and was actually lusting for people. Love is not an attraction for just the body but more a longing for the person and to spend life with them, not just to have their body or privileges from being with them. That is why I think that he did not have many altars or ritual sites.

Anonymous said...

Another name used for Cupid is Eros and in the Cupid and Psyche myth, they are supposed to get married and love each other. If people in our world had the knowledge of how to gain trust and not be rude towards others who you are into like Cupid was able to do, it would a far more peaceful process. Cupid is able to teach those who read the myth that you have to trust the person you love and if they make a mistake, forgiving them is equally important.

Anonymous said...

Eros, the god of love, a.k.a. Cupid, is one of the more powerful gods, because he can affect the emotions of others. Throughout history it is said that Love conquers all. If Love conquers all, and Cupid is the god of love, than Cupid is the most powerful God. Aristotle seems to be the only Greek that has realized this. He also points out that if the other Greeks had realized this, they would have given Cupid/Eros more shrines and temples. But because Love isn't as easily acquired as things like Wine or victory, Love isn't seen as something to be sought after.

Anonymous said...

Eros, otherwise known as Cupid, is the god of love and lust, so I believe this quote is trying to say that many do not worship him the way he should be worshipped, and I'm inclined to agree. Within many of the myths we've read so far, the concept of love and the depictions of relationships are less than flattering. "Man seemed to have failed completely to comprehend the power of Eros..." is essentially explaining that man does not understand love, and maybe never has, "...for if they did comprehend it, they would have built to him the greatest altars and temples and offered the greatest sacrifices..." I don't know about anyone else, but it's clear that maybe man's ability to be receptive to love within the span of history up to even now, is decidedly lacking.

Anonymous said...

Eros, also known as cupid and the God of love, isn't given the amount of respect he deserves. People have failed to comprehend the amount of power he contains. I think that people underestimate the power of love. Today I believe people tend to play around with love and say they love someone when they really don’t. Personally I believe love is more important than anything else because you would have all the thing you’ve every wanted but I wouldn’t matter if you didn’t have anything or anyone to love

Anonymous said...

Eros/ Cupid was taken for granted back during the days of Greece. He is one of the most important gods that lead people to happiness so he should have been worshiped more. I shows that people no matter who they are still take things for granted. Also Eros/Cupid symbolizes trust so without any recognition people can't have any trust for one another.

Anonymous said...

Eros (cupid), has a large impact on Greek mythology due to the fact that he is the god of love. He has brought the people happiness and a full life of love with a significant other so he should've been praised more. Love can be tricky but when Cupid makes you fall in love you know its real and not a game like people today make it out to be.

Anonymous said...

Eros is the Greek god of love also known as cupid. Eros has a huge impact on Greek myth and on humans mainly because he is the god of love. I think if Eros would have been recognized more then there would be more love and not war in Greek myth stories. I feel like the Greeks focused more on other aspects of human life like power and wealth and not so much love.

Anonymous said...

Eros otherwise known as Cupid is the God of love. Love is something that is difficult to comprehend and truly feel for some people. I agree with this quote sometimes in certain scenarios because if some people people truly understood the gift of love they would have worshiped Cupid at a much higher level.I think that this quote also does not apply to some scenarios because I think that some people do understand love and do worship Eros and respect him greatly.

Anonymous said...

Eros is the God of Love, maybe better known as Cupid. Love is a hard thing to understand, but also love can be powerful. Not just for adults, but teenagers as well. It’s something that people can’t really understand and wrap their head around. I would agree with this quote because I think that if people could understand the power of love and understand what it means to be in love, they would’ve worshiped Cupid more. However, it’s not always true for everyone. There are some people who can understand the power of love and how important it is, but sometimes people can’t understand it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this quote. Love is in a lot of myths and stories from today or long ago. Love is very powerful and I'm sure people know that but they don't go around preaching it or go around building altars to worship love. Yes there are many a great things dedicated to love, but nothing like what man used to make for the different gods and goddesses.