Sunday, March 7, 2021

"Ancient Greece In 18 Minutes?"

After watching the Ancient Greece In 18 Minutes video excerpt, what are you thinking regarding Greek  Mythology, Greek Culture, Greek History, Greek Philosophy? Do we need to look back to look forward in our world? This response is due in class after watching the video excerpt.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ancient greece was more violent and progressive than I thought. If we look back then we can see how to move forward from that state.

Anonymous said...

Greek history and culture has defined life in many ways for us. It has given us a basis for our language and it has given us our government system. We have stolen and used many of Greeces ideas a philosophies.

Anonymous said...

the politics were alot different than they are now - Mia M

Anonymous said...

I think that it is very important to look behind so that we can look forward because we learn so much about ourselves. We can better our society by looking back, we can make life better, and we can avoid future wars.

Emma T said...

Greek culture, Philosophy, and Mythology was all really thought out. I think that a lot of Greek based things are in our society today, but they have changed from what they originally were. -Emma T

Unknown said...

Zeke- It is interesting to me how systematic and advanced they were even so long ago forming governments, Technologies, war tactics, Ect.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting how the timeline of the Greeks is condensed in modern representations when in actuality it spanned thousands of years. Their stories are also greatly embellished but that is not a surprise as all cultures make themselves out to be of greater strength and prominence than they really are, but the Greeks seem to be better at it than most.

Anonymous said...

After watching the video I noticed how much each city in greek history influenced all of the other cities. Each city was very reliant on the others to make advancements and inventions so they could continue to grow and flourish together. I think that it is important to look back and forward in our world. We can apply the things and the lessons learned from the past and use them with our future goals. Although the Greeks were at war with one another they still learned to work with one another and share ideas. I think that is one lesson we should take into the future and work on in the present.

Ben H said...

The Greeks were far more spread out than I ever thought they were. I always hear that we got our democracy from the Greeks when in reality they would consider our government to more like an oligarchy. After watching that video I find it weird how much different Ancient Greece get portrayed in our modern culture from how it really was. I think that it is important to look back into history and see the mistakes that were made in order to learn from them and move forward.

Anonymous said...

I think Greek philosophy is only the strongest survive, and this connects to Greek history because the civilizations that lasted for a while were the strongest and always won in a fight. You do need to look back to look forward because you need to understand the past to know what you should do in the future.

Parker Lenzen said...

The actual life in Ancient Greece is one big guessing game. It is now believed that the marathon story is a myth, the sculpture of homer wasn’t an accurate depiction of him, the earliest writings still haven’t been deciphered. However based on the events that have been proven, we do know that life in Ancient Greece was centered around survival of the fittest. Through out the video when a city known for its peaceful nature it was soon taken over by a meaner and stronger city. These cities continued to prosper, become even strong, and expand over all Ancient Greece.

Anonymous said...

Greek Mythology has really set a lot of ideal for culture in current times. Greek Mythology is one of the longest-lasting teachings we still use today. The thoughts and ideas made standards for thinking now. It was a massive culture.