Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Hercules Or Heracles? What Do We Know?

Based upon your prior knowledge or cultural literacy, what do you know about Hercules, the famous Greek hero?  Please specify, explain, argue, and share your understanding of Hercules.  Complete this blog during class today.


Thaddeus A said...

Hercules is a greek hero who did impossible tasks. He traveled to the underworld. His name is actually derived from the Roman name

Anonymous said...

I don't know much, I have seen the Disney movie once or twice, but didn't really pertain much information from it. It's been a pretty long time actually, and I thought that I at least knew the plot but I can't seem to remember it. I think as long as I get started either reading or watching the story I'll probably get that knowledge back pretty quickly.

Unknown said...

Hercules went on a journey to complete 12 impossible quests. He killed his family.

Anonymous said...

I know about Hercules from the movie, and how he was a demigod hero. In the movie, he goes into the underworld to get a girl's soul back when Hades made her die. Hades also tries to get in Hercules' way a lot of the time.

Anonymous said...

I Know that Hercules is a Demi-God born of Zeus and a mortal woman he was born and always was incredibly strong, And when he reached adulthood found out about his unladen Godhood and wanted to get into Mt. Olympus so he had to prove himself with his 12 Labors to prove his godhood.

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about Hercules. I know he was strong. He probably had a dad and a mom.

Anonymous said...

Hercules was half human, half god. He was taken away by hades to live on earth with mortals. He had to complete a quest that would show if he is worthy to live with the gods or not. Hercules is very strong and courageous. He is somewhat like Perseus, he becomes a hero after proving people wrong and becoming successful.

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about him, besides the basic story that is portrayed in movies and videos. Hercules is his roman name and Heracles is his greek name. He is the son of Zeus.

Anonymous said...

I know that hercules was the sun of zeus and alcmene who was raised by a mortal family. i think that when he was younger he didn't have any powers and was just a normal child but when he got older his powers came into fruition and eventually he meets his real father.

Anonymous said...

From my background knowledge, I know that Hercules was a very popular Greek Hero. He was the son of Zeus and a mortal. He was sent on a journey to complete 12 impossible quests. Many movies have been created based on his stories.

Anonymous said...

Hercules is a greek hero, son of zeus. he completed 12 labors which involved fighting monsters and other things. he fought the hydra. I've seen many movies on hercules, the disney version, there were a few older movies on netflix about hercules, i've read books that allude to him and "feature" him.

Anonymous said...

Based upon my prior knowledge or cultural literacy, I know a few things about Hercules. One thing that I know is that he is very strong. This element is present in every version of this myth. In the Disney movie, he is somewhat an outcast because he is so different from all of the other kids and people in his town. They do not like or understand him because he is so different. His dad is the only one who really understands him and knows what he is. Also in this version, at the beginning he is in a way a villain because he basically destroys his town. But, by the end of the story, he is a hero because he saves his town. So in the Disney version and in most other versions, he is a hero.

Anonymous said...

The only place that I have seen Hercules and learned a little bit about him was just in the Disney Pixar film. I learned that he was a very strong God, and his father is Zeus. Hercules was not a big fan of Hades, as no one else would be, but they but heads and didn't like each other at all. Hercules also struggled with his romance life with his lover, Meg. There was a huge battle that Hercules went through, battling monsters and evil beings.

Anonymous said...

My understanding of Hercules is that he is an incredibly brave and well accomplished hero, and is praised by all he has helped. However, I am very unfamiliar with the specifics of his adventures and accomplishments, because I have never seen any movies or read any texts using his likeness. I'm not sure how I've gone my whole life unintentionally avoiding this story, but it has always escaped my line of knowledge. I do know that there is not only good intent in his story however, just because of some things I have overheard and picked up over time. These are only speculations, however, but I believe he has done some very negative deeds that go against the usual heroic code that make him less of a hero.

Anonymous said...

My knowledge is that Hercules is a Roman hero and god. He was the equivalent of the Greek divine hero Heracles, who was the son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmene. During classical mythology, Hercules is famous for his strength and for his numerous far-ranging adventures.

Anonymous said...

As of right now I believe that hercules is the son of zeus. I know that he is such a god even at a young age he had amazing strength. He is known to be very confident in himself and felt supior.

Anonymous said...

I know a few things about Hercules from what I saw him in when I was younger. First of all, I know people are fascinated with his character and they have made many movies and TV shows about. He has been portrayed by a variety of characters throughout the years. Also, I know that he is seen as a hero in Greek Myth because of how he is portrayed in the movies. He is shown as a hero that can't be stopped by anything in his path and he is also very strong and agile. Hercules is considered a great hero by many people across the entire world.

Anonymous said...

I know Hercules was a greek hero that was made mortal by Hades and as a result to prove his godly nature to Zeus had to complete multiple labors. Hercules was very strong and had godly qualities that did not fit in with the humans on earth. He was destined for greatness but due to his mortal nature had to complete tasks to prove his worth.

Anonymous said...

Hercules was one of the strongest greek heroes and he had 12 tasks to complete after leaving the underword i believe.

Anonymous said...

Hercules is one of the most famous Greek heroes. He was the greatest heros Greece had ever know. He was very brave and completed tasks that seem impossible to the majority. He had to fight monsters and was able to show his great physical strength. He was the strongest man on earth.

Anonymous said...

Many people would probably think of the cartoon version of Hercules when it explains his conquest to reunite with his father up in Mount Olympus. But the real story is far from that, many people started to here about Hercules after Hera tried to kill him because he was the offspring of her husbands cheating. She had sent snakes to kill him but even as a baby he was given the strength of Zeus and strangled the snakes. He went on to do more good deeds and save the people in Greece then he eventually settled down marries his wife and has kids but the story wasn't over yet. He had killed his family and Hera still pestered him. So he went on to complete ten labors and after he finished those Hera said he completed two incorrectly so he had to complete two more. When he did Hera didn't bother him anymore but he never really got over his family. He was a great hero but he killed his family then partially went on the labors to forget about his family. So he is depicted as a hero more often then the true story about what happened in this myth.

Anonymous said...

Hercules is the son of Zeus, he was a hero known for his strength. He had 12 heroic labors that he had to complete, he had to get these done because of the goddess Hera, had made him go crazy and murder his family. Apollo knew it was not his fault but still Hercules had to save himself. Apollo sent him on his 12 heroic labors. When he finished the 12 labors Apollo made Hercules immortal and resolved his guilt.

Anonymous said...

Hercules or Heracles was a Greek hero who performed 12 labors. Hercules was such an epic hero because of was considered the strongest man on earth. I think he is mortal but has some relation to the gods. I have not seen the Disney movie but I know there was a recent adaption with The Rock.

Anonymous said...

Overall I remember a decent bit about Hercules as a hero. He was the son of Zeus and a human, he was part god and was a very powerful hero. He went through the 12 labors such has slain the Hydra or the lion. He was abandoned by his human parents out to die by the wolfs. Zeus even though Hera hated Hercules got her to take him in unknowingly and take care of him. The child was an outstanding feat, many tried to kill him even as a baby. 2 serpents came to him in the night to try and kill him Zeus woke him up by a light equal to the gods and when he woke he strangled them to death. He was on the Argo and went on many quests. Overall he was a very powerful and dangerous hero. He was untouchable my mortal hand but was bested in the end by magic.

Anonymous said...

The only prior knowledge I have about hercules has came from the disney movie hercules and a few other things from class. He seemed to be somewhat of a hero, but on the other side he also killed his family. The reason why hercules is so popular in the modern times is because some might relate to hercules is the way of having a good and a bad side.

Anonymous said...

From what I know Hercules is a character from greek mythology who is very strong. I also know that he killed a lion. I also know he was portrayed in a movie where he was played by The Rock. I have also seen the Disney movie but that was a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

The only prior knowledge I had of Hercules was basically the Disney version, which embarrassingly I know quite well. I knew that he was a famous hero in Greek Mythology and overcame many trials, but past that I knew very little.

Anonymous said...

The only knowledge i had at all of hercules was based off the disney movie, I knew he was somewhat of a hero abut other than that i would say my knowledge was vey limited and i would say it was 90% false information as well

Anonymous said...

Based on my understanding,Hercules was based of. Disney move, in that his role was a hero who over came negativity for a young audience.

Anonymous said...

From background knowledge on Hercules I aoutmaticlay think of Disney which is not a vary creditable and not very realistic Im assuming. I know that he has a very big part in Greek mythology. And based of past greek myths Im assuming the real version is a lot harsher than disney.