Friday, September 24, 2021

Jason & Perseus: Heroes?

Based upon our readings and discussions regarding several Greek Heroes (Jason/Perseus), what patterns are you noticing? Do you now think differently about the labeling of a hero or heroine? Argue, explain, and defend. Please complete this blog response in class by Fri., Sep. 24th.


Anonymous said...

I think that the label of hero is something that is misconceived. Hero doesn't mean that they are perfect people and that they only do good, being a hero means to save someone or something out of pure reaction. If we look at perseus he only saves andromeda because he wanted to marry her. This was not something a hero that we think of would do. This also happens with Hercules when he kills his family. The Label of Hero just is someone who has enough courage to fight a monster.

-Josh Kelley

Anonymous said...

I think that Perseus would be more of a hero than Jason just because he didn't have as much collateral damage and it seemed like he had a little bit more compassion. Jason kind of left most of his crew and didn't really care who died. He also used his wife so many times and then ended up abandoning her and that's not really hero material. Perseus isn't really much more of a hero but he's closer than Jason.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there are really any heroes, while Perseus did save the woman it was because he wanted to marry her. Jason just flat out does not even meet any of the qualifications of a hero. I do think Perseus showed more of a compassionate character which if that's what makes a hero then I would consider him a hero.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that all heroes are good people. Everyone makes mistakes and if you aren't always messing up as you grow up you're not learning or actually slowly becoming the "hero" you imagine yourself as.

Anonymous said...

Heros do what they need to do for the people they love but they also need to do things that might not be forgiven by some people. These readings really haven't changed anything because that's what a hero does.

Anonymous said...

Greek hero seems to get a lot of outside help in order to accomplish the task they set out to do. However, I think Perseus is more heroic than Jason because Perseus was given the tools to fight but he had to do all the fighting himself, where as Jason just had Medea who did a lot of the dirty work for him. Perseus also chose to go on sort of a "side" adventure to save Andromeda after slaying Medusa which was his only mission to begin with, whereas once Jason got the golden fleece he immediately returned home and wanted to live a "normal" life.

Anonymous said...

I'm noticing that Perseus seems like a much more respectable hero. Jason only acted as a hero when he had to, but Perseus was an all-around hero, like when he saved Andromeda even though he didn't need to. I think Jason shouldn't be labeled as a hero, but Perseus should.
-Nikola Drobnjak

Anonymous said...

I think the readings show that heroes in Greek mythology aren't necessarily always unbeatable and super brave doing great quests, a lot of times they're normal and flawed people who are forced to do something for personal reasons, and chosen by a God that helps them.

Unknown said...

I feel like a hero is something you earn, not something you are entitled to or are born to do. Perseus was more of your traditional hero, winning and getting the girl, getting to live happily every after. Jason started as a traditional hero, but let his geo get in the way, slowly becoming the villain or bad guy. I feel like both men are not good examples of heroes, but one is far better than the other. A bro is someone who puts others before themselves fr the greater good, which both are mediocre at.


Anonymous said...

I have noticed that the heroes are only being heroes for some form of personal gain. So neither of them are true heroes because their not saving people out of the kindness of their heart they are just doing it for the reward. The label of hero should not be used in either of these circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Jason and Perseus both received Godly help but I do not feel like that makes anyone less heroic. One thing that stood out to me was that Perseus kept his promise but Jason disrespected The girl he promised to marry. I think that both of the two are conditional heros. They are both on these heroes' journey to complete because they want something in return. so I think neither are great heros.
-Marin Klaess

Unknown said...

I think men take advantage of their hero title, they use it to get the things they want, this is really just a scam, not being a hero, others who help people out of reaction or the pure want to help are the men who usually don't pay attention to the label of Hero nad that makes them real heroes. Persues had it coming, he was abusing his title of "Hero".

Anonymous said...

I think that perseus was more heroic because he wasn't fear full and was given the tools to be able to do that even though they both needed help by other people perseus had more heroic qualities and saved a woman

Anonymous said...

I feel like Jason was less heroic than Perseus because he kind of abandoned his crew and left them behind so that he kinda got all the glory in getting the fleece. But with Perseus, he did his job for good and to use it for good things. But in all, they aren't both great because in the end both of them did what they did just to get a bride which doesn't show much about them as people. In the end, though they all got help to complete their tasks so really they aren't very good heroes if anything the people who helped them are the heroes.

Anonymous said...

I think that of the two Perseus is more of a hero than Jason, as he actually saves someone(even if it was for his own gain) rather than ending up killing a lot of people. Furthermore, we see the kind of happy ever hero ending after story with Perseus and not with Jason. At the end of the day, they both ended up only completing their tasks with help from the gods and didn't do much good if it wasn't for their own gain.

Anonymous said...

I think that the definition of "hero" is so corrupt. We based our meaning of hero off of the gods and goddesses that are presented to us and we perceive abusing the use of the resources around us as being a hero. Not all heroes are good people.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion I do think that they were both very hericoc, but Perseus was more heroic. Although I feel Perseus got some more help from the gods than Jason but they both had conditions while being heroic, like they wanted something out of this and not be heroic just because.

Unknown said...

Ellen H
A lot of the greek heroes seemed to get a lot of help in order to complete their tasks. I do think Perseus is more heroic than Jason though because Perseus did most of the work when fighting will Jason got a lot more help and did almost nothing on his own in order to get the golden fleece.

Anonymous said...

I feel like Perseus definitely is a better hero in his story because he went through a more traditional hero's arc. He actually had to slay a beast himself whereas Jason got a lot more help from the gods through his journey. Perseus at the end, too seemed to actually care about Andromeda in rescuing her versus Jason who faked his love he had with Medea and fell in love with someone else even after his promise of marriage.

Anonymous said...

I think that getting help is a big pattern in greek mythology heroes. Most of the 'heroes' are just receiving instructions from the gods.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Perseus is more "Heroic" than Jason due to the aftermath of his Journey having less collateral damage. Jason killed many people in cold blood and some of his crew didn't make it. Perseus did what he see out to do and everyone was still alive that was supposed to.

Anonymous said...

One pattern I notice within the heroic stories is that they usually don't seem the most heroic. The only defining characteristics of a Greek hero is that the hero accepts a task that they wouldn't ever be able to complete on their own and then getting lots of help from gods. I believe that the name "heroes" should almost be changed to "chosen people" because they don't have hardly any heroic qualities, they're just chosen by the gods and protected and helped by them.

Anonymous said...

I think that in greek myth where the gods are more prominently involved they are more present to help people. That being said it seems that gods help a lot in journeys and that it is a pattern so getting help from gods is just something you have to go with. However, getting help from witches is different because someone is favoring you and giving you a little extra boost. That being said I think that Perseus is more heroic than Jason because Jason gets more help and from a witch, not a god. Also, Jason has a much higher body count than Perseus and in much more gruesome ways. Perseus turns bad people into stone and slayed two monsters. Jason kills people that don't agree with him and some are people he is close to. So speaking in heroic terms Jason is selfish and violent compared to Perseus who is more kind and peaceful. I think that Jason is more like an anti-hero and Perseus is a better hero.

Anonymous said...

I think both heroes just aren't as invincible or powerful as they think they are. They display human like faults like greed or envy, and because of this they're not really the greatest example of a perfect hero.