Monday, April 20, 2020

Hercules Or Heracles? What Do We Know?

Based upon your prior knowledge or cultural literacy, what do you know about Hercules, the famous Greek hero?  Please specify, explain, argue, and share your understanding of Hercules.  Complete this blog by Thurs., April 23rd.


Anonymous said...

I know that Hercules had killed his family due to a spell imposed on him. he wants to be able to cleanse his hands from the blood spilled. he goes to apollo and is told to work for the king of Tyrin for 12 years and has to complete the 12 labors. his reward was becoming a god after completing them and surviving.

Anonymous said...

I know the story of Hercules based off of the Disney movie. I know that he was best known for his strength and hades wanted him dead so he could take over the gods and rule mount olympus. But from conversations in class I know that he relationship with his family is very different then the way it is described in the film. It is hard to tell what is true and what isn't within the myth but then again a myth is a myth so who is to say it isn't true?

Anonymous said...

I, as well as others, know Hercules from the Disney movie. I know that he wants to be a hero and prove to others that he is worthy. I know he is very strong and I belove he is one of Zeus's sons. In most stories or movies that I have watched Hercules is considered to be a hero and a great guy. But, I have heard that Hercules isn't the person that most people think. I have heard there is a hard past that comes with Hercules.

Anonymous said...

Everything I know about Hercules comes from either the Disney movie or the Percy Jackson series. I know that he the son of Zeus and is described as very handsome. Hades hated Hercules for some reason that I don't remember and tried very hard to kill him but Hercules had some godly power and hades couldn't kill him. He was very strong and cunning.

Anonymous said...

I know Hercules most from his tale with the 12 labors. I also know of him from Disney, even though the movie isn't accurate based on greek mythology.

Anonymous said...

I don't know a lot about Hercules, but what I do know is from the movies. He is considered a hero, and is well known for his strength and ability to help others. I don't know any of his back story, but from what I've heard he had a complicated past.

Anonymous said...

From what I have seen on the past, Hercules is very strong and powerful, with a big influence. It seems a lot of people know who he is, and he has saved a lot of people. It also appears that he is a very good fighter, and that is the main thing he is known for. I believe that his whole family was murdered when he was young, as well.

Anonymous said...

Hercules is a powerful hero. I do not know much about him, but what I know I from the movie from Disney. He is incredibly strong but was cast out as a child to live with the humans. He learned his supernatural strength and powers from a goat man and battled with hades.

Anonymous said...

Hercules has been a name I have heard since a very young age. Hercules is a very popular myth/god for good reason. With that said, I do not know many details about Hercules. I vaguely remember watching a Disney animation with Hercules but that is the extent of my knowledge on Hercules.

Anonymous said...

Hercules is one of the most famous gods/myths in existence. I haven’t really learned much about him other than he is really powerful. I also know that fights for good. I have seen the animated movie, and I think there might have been a live action one with him in it, but other than that I don’t know much.

Unknown said...

Hercules is a very well known god. I remember watching a lot of different movies and cartoons about him and what great things he did. As well as a lot of the bad things he has done as well.

Anonymous said...

I looked up the direct translation of the name Heracles and it means "glory of Hera" I have read that he was given this name by Zeus himself to make Hera happy, hoping to lessen her wrath and anger. Both Hercules and Heracles are the sons of Zeus (who is the head god). Disney made a movie about Hercules and that story is very close to the original and gives a very straight forward version of the myth.

Anonymous said...

I know it because of the disney movie,the literal translation of hercules is glory of hera

Anonymous said...

I've seen the disney movie about hercules and I know that he's one of the most famous greek myths ever, and there have been many movies and stories about him. I also know that he had to go through several trials and that hera tried to kill him on multiple occasions.

Anonymous said...

I know Hercules from the Disney movie and some video games he was the son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmene. He is famous for his Brute strength and for his numerous far-ranging adventures including the 12 Labours.