After watching the
Source: Know Thyself video excerpt, what are you thinking regarding Greek Mythology, Greek Culture, Greek History, Greek Philosophy? Do we need to look back to look forward in our world? This response is due in class after watching the video excerpt.
We continue to look back at Greek Mythology because it's one of the first collections of basic human qualities/struggles. The stories are important, but so is Greece itself. America looks back at Greece because we modeled our government after theirs. The myths aren't the Greek's; they're everyone's . We never got to see the original writings, but even with missing words we still found the meaning. I think that's because they're simple, easy to connect to, and fundamentally human. We love Greece's fragmentation because we can preserve what was, then shape it into whatever we want. That flexibility to the times is what allows Greek mythology to continue.
That you should not forget the past and how you could use the past as a way to move forward and how the past communicates before it's understood. History shaped in thinkers returning to Greece to remember where we came from. Trying to gain self-knowledge and to know thyself
Our modern world is obsessed with paying homage to the ancient Greeks. Having a class dedicated to going back and learning about Greek mythology can help us understand why modern Americans are so obsessed with the culture. The way the ancient Greeks fell can teach modern people to preserve our monuments and literature to have the same impact on the future generations. Looking back on how the Greeks lived can demonstrate how humans have always had wars and fighting but also have great scientific breakthroughs, artistic masterpieces, and excellent literature.
I think we do need to look back to look forward in our world because it can help us connect to and reflect on the past. It can make us think about how we got here and how our daily life came to be. As said in the video, there is a need for something to look back to. We interpret things based on what we know, so learning about history can help us interpret present day.
Matthew S.
I find it interesting that we are paying respect to Greek gods without even knowing it or doing it intentionally. We have details from Greek architecture and culture in our modern society. We even have democracy which originates from Greece. So yes, we do look back to go forward. We take a lot of our modern ideas/creations from the past. Even a lot of cultures and ideas, such as Roman culture, came from Greece.
to go forward, we need to look back. What certain people did to help or hurt their community could give us an example of what we should or shouldn't do. Learning about Greek culture could show us why others are so obsessed with it, and what it has to offer.
Greek culture and Greek Mythology is something that humanity always looks back on because it is the basis of our society. Our government is based off of Greek government, our art and architecture is influenced by the Greeks, etc. We use what used to be to help us figure out what could be better in our society and what can stay the same. Greek Mythology is in our lives somehow and the reason is because it is easy to connect to, the Greek society was unique because they were able to recognise the simple humankind wants and needs and incorporate that into everyday life.
I think you can gain self-knowledge by using your imagination and your general conflict. also, I think it is really cool that history is shaped by thinker that sit down and discuss what they think and how it works but also that's where myths come into play. also since the olden days, it has been a dramatic chance that no human would ever think of. when people change the world changes. andrew w
I believe that we do need to lack back in order to move forward in our world due to the significant challenges and ideas that those in the past created. This can be seen with the Ancient Greeks making significant technological advancements and creating philosophical ideas, all of which can help our world make future progressions.
Thinking in regards to Greek myth, culture, history, and philosophy have had major impacts in the past world, and still, have major impacts today. Many great civilizations, including America, look back to these things from ancient Greece for guidance. Americans look to the myths and history, hence why pilgrims named a town after a great greek city, Sparta. I feel like many people all over the world look to Greek principles as well in times of need or guidance, the greeks civilization may have died out years ago but its legacy is still alive.
We need to look into our past to imagine our future because after all our past is humanity's foundation for their building of the future. We look at Greek Mythology as stories but in the past they were real to people they were their belief just like our modern christian beliefs. Greece will make you think on what we used to be like, our daily lives there in greece and we then will wonder is there any way to build off of that past and not only incorporate it into today but in the future as well.
Greek History. It shapes our current world. The things that they did and said are now a part of our life. Columns, Geometry, Astrology, and much much more. I think that people do pay homage to Apollo without knowing it because of Apollo, we have music, the sun and light, and even future telling. We pay him homage without knowing it by creating music, going into outer space, fortune tellers telling the future. We need to look back at the amazing things the Greeks did and try to replicate something. We also need to look back at the disaster they had and learn from them so we don't do the same mistakes again.
Regarding Greek Mythology (and other things) I think that it is a very awesome thing that everybody thinks about at some point in time. Be that from in a class about it to knowing what to d when you are in a tough situation. Next, I believe that we do need to look back to the past enable to not repeat ourselves in history but to also look back at the wins in history and follow those to create better communities.
I believe that looking back is a foolish endeavor, while studying history is a way to prevent its repeat, there's no point in holding onto a past who have failed in their preservation of culture and heritage. While we use their mathematics and literature, hailing them as bastions of culture, do not forget that these people believed that the sun was a chariot pulled across the sky, while proving the earth was round. they couldn't see the inherent illogic in the fact that they believed other planets were different gods' domains rather than other balls of rock and ice.
Justin L.
I'm thinking that Greeks new how to pray and pay homage to the god through many temples that you can find through out the mountains. there culture was extraordinary in the way that they build temples and stair cases and how they lived in a way that revolved around the gods and their every day life.
Looking back at greek mythology allows us to widen our understanding of the past and why people created these myths. It is good to get that understanding so that we know what was happening that long ago. People also still believe in myths and looking back at them can explain why people might still be following these.
We use ancient Greek things in everyday life. A lot of our words are taken from the Greeks, our architecture was designed by the Greeks, we use the Greeks ideas in aspects of life everyday. We use these old ways and ideas to create new ideas and to expand the view of the Greeks original ideas. Many people say that you have to take one step back to take two forward and I believe we do this on a day to day basis as we need to have the security of where we came from to thrive and expand on ourselves.
I think that by understanding why the ancients did what they did and created what they created we could learn about ourselves because we really are not that different from back then.
I feel it is important to look back and realize some of the ideologies back in time and acknowledge them. But we should not look back and adopt what the greeks did not ago. We should move forward in our own time and grow out of what we did thousands of years ago. It is really cool to look back and see what life was like a long time ago but I do not feel we should adopt their ideologies.
After learning more about the ancient Greeks in Western Civ., I began to realize the impact they had on civilizations that came after them and to current day life. Key connections that can be drawn from the ancient Greeks and current day is their architecture and government. The Greeks used columns which we would later adapted for important government buildings. Early democracy was also created in Athens. This would later become the framework for our own government. Other connections can also be drawn with the use of the term spartan from sparta. There is a competition race that is based on people’s physical ability called the spartan race. Like the ancient spartans who spent most of their lives getting into physically good shape.
I think it is very important to look back on our past in order to move forward. Looking at the past helps us advance and move forward we are able to pull out the mistakes we made and move forward and advance. Greek mythology is some of our earliest histories and it is important to look back on it and learn from it.
In my opinion I think we should look back to look forward in our world because it can help us get an understanding of the world and its past. It can make us see what went on before we got here and where Greek mythology came from and how life came to be. It can make us look back and try to make connections. Looking back to look forward can be a way of gaining self knowledge and to "know thyself". We can also see by looking back at the past that history has shaped us into who we all are today. We can also realize that generational conflict is still something going on today. It is important to understand the Greek mythology and by doing that you can look back to look forward, and have a better understanding of life today.
The fact that much of ancient Greece is in ruins, allows it to stay seen as a perplexing and mythological place. Ancient Greece gave us many things that we still use to this DAY. I think we should always look to our past to learn and grow for the future. Also, to not make the same mistakes twice.
Our world loves to pay homage to the past whether it be 50 years or 10,000 years. We continue to look back at Greek Mythology because it has so many examples of a good world and a bad world. We need to look back to look forward. We need to look back on mistakes that have been made so we do not make them again. America itself has created its government to match the Greeks. We got most of the stuff we have now from the Greeks, like music, literature, astrology, and art. This is why it’s very important to look back in our history.
The modern world seems to be very interested in looking back on the Ancient Greeks. It is very important to look back on what the Greeks were doing because many of the aspects of their daily life still apply to the modern world. The fact that people are still talking about the Greek Mythology and even taking classes on it shows that the way that the Ancient Greeks lived should be important to us and how we look at our future. If the Greeks were able to create ideas and concepts and systems that are still used today in our modern society, that shows that we should be looking at how they developed because they did something very impactful.
I think that we got plenty of influences from the Greek culture, and I dont believe that there could ever been enough. I also believe that we could meet somewhere in the middle regarding looking back or looking forward. Although dwelling on the past isnt always a great choice I think we should stop and take a look back and bring back some of the cultures and things we’ve learned and incorporate them into our future.
I think in order to go forward we need to look back to know more about greek culture. Things like architecture, literature, music, and other greek things that may impact how they develop going forward and can help us learn and show the things greek culture may have to offer.
i think understanding what the enchants did and how they did it and how they found out to do that is going to be very cool because we are so much different from now.
I think that in order to advance our everyday society that we need to go back and reflect on the past. We need to be able to understand where we went wrong and find ways around such failure. There are lessons in the past that can teach us a lot like how our politics should look. Overall I believe that in order to advance our lives into the future starts with looking to the past for ideas.
I think that in order to advance our everyday society that we need to go back and reflect on the past. We need to be able to understand where we went wrong and find ways around such failure. There are lessons in the past that can teach us a lot like how our politics should look. Overall I believe that in order to advance our lives into the future starts with looking to the past for ideas.
History has proven to repeat itself and we must learn from our mistakes to grow and guide our future. We must analyze our past to move forward in a productive manner.
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