Monday, November 30, 2015

Vase Interpretation?

Based upon Dr. Castellani's presentation and your notes, evaluate the projected black/red figure vase.  Please decode through commentary.  Think about direction, borders, placement, and symbols or manifestations.  This blog response is a quiz and should be completed during class today.


Anonymous said...

I feel like I this dipiction of Jason it shows that he is mortal but he will always have the help of the gods behind him.

Anonymous said...

Jason is on the left side of the vase, reaching up for the vase while a serpent looks down at him. Athena stands behind Jason, probably not visible to Jason. Jason is moving to the left of the vase but once he grabs the Golden Fleece he will return back to the right of the vase.

Anonymous said...

This vase depicts Jason reaching for the Golden Fleece. It is guarded by a less formidable version of the serpent than sometimes depicted, but it is still deadly. Behind Jason Athena is standing and helping Jason, although he may not be able to see her, and she isn't physically helping him, she might be controlling things a little bit .

Unknown said...

On the vase it shows Jason reaching for the golden fleese, and Athena is right behind him sort of guiding Jason. The serpant seems to be more focused on Athena than Jason.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

On the vase it shows Jason reaching for the golden fleese, and Athena is right behind him sort of guiding Jason. The serpant seems to be more focused on Athena than Jason.

Anonymous said...

This vase is an image of Jason going after the Golden Fleece that is lying under the searpent that guards it. Athena is behind him and she appears to definitely be helping him retrieve the fleece. There is another man behind Athena but I can't tell exactly who it is. He is on the right side though so it appears that he may be some sort of God or divine character. This man appears to be guarding a boat which you can assume is the Argo, the boat that Jason took to the island. This picture is accurate to the fact that Athena liked to help out heroes in their quests.

Anonymous said...

In this image Athena is giving Jason the courage to grab the golden fleece from the snake. Athena's arm posture is mirrored by the pose Jason is making. This shows how she follows her champions in silence to help give them guidance or courage. There is also a big difference in the size comparison of Athena to Jason which shows the roles each character plays in this vase.

Anonymous said...

This image shows Jason as he is trying to take the golden fleece out from under the snake's nose. He is being assisted by Athena, as she holds up her powerful hand. This art shows that it is actually Athena because she is on the right side of the vase, and the mortal (Jason) is on the left... Athena also has her classic helmet that she typically wears. Jason cannot actually see Athena, but he feels her presence and guiding hand.

Anonymous said...

Jason is reaching up front grab the Golden Fleece which is guarded by the serpent. Athena stands behind and is almost supporting him or encouraging him to perform the dangerous act. There also seems to bra third god that witnesses this that is behind Athena, and he seems to Not be involved but observing the situation. Athena is holding a spear which could be hinting that Jason would have to fight something or is just ready to fight.

Anonymous said...

Jason is reaching for the golden fleece sit ting under a snake. Athena is standing behind him, not visible to him, with her arm up like jason's. She is using an invisible force to held Jason or give him courage to take the fleece.

Unknown said...

From looking at the vase, we can see that Athena is standing in the middle, between human and divine. This shows that she is a goddess but also strives to reach out and help humans along their journeys. Also, Athena's helm isn't extending past the border in this one, which is strange for her because usually some part of her extends past the borders. This could mean she is closer to her peers and everyone else in this interpretation. Athena is guiding Jason to take the fleece on this vase, but it also looks like she is guiding the serpent.

Anonymous said...

This is a vase portraying Jason pursuing the Golden Fleece. Athena is behind Jason, helping him along the way. We know this is Athena because of her helmet and spear. Jason is trying to grab the Golden Fleece on the left side which is the "mortal side" in Greek art and Athena is in the middle, so she is not visible to Jason or anyone else in the scene, but she is visible to us.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that The hero is Jason, and Athena is there with him along with another man. He is placed on the left side and facing the left, while Athena and the other man are on the right side of the vase, seemingly assisting Jason. Jason is trying to get the Golden Fleece from the Serpent, while Athena seems to be helping Jason in some way, using an invisible force to distract the serpent

Anonymous said...

The red and black figure vase has many representative things in it. On the left is Jason who looks weak but is controlling a snake. Athena is put in the middle of the divine and mortal representing her affection for human heroes. Athena is not visible to Jason but she is clearly helping Jason. Athena is using her hand to control the snake it looks like. Athena can clearly be seen by the being on the divine side, possibly an argonaut with what looks like might be a ship behind him. Jason looks very bruised and beaten representing the hardships he has had to go through although Athena is there giving him the extra push.

Unknown said...

This vase doesn't have much in the way of borders, but in terms of direction, there are a lot of hidden messages. The direction that everyone in the vase is facing is to the left - the mortal side. Jason is going after the snake as Athena stands behind him, using her hand as a force to possibly control the snake. The direction of her hand, kind of faced upwards and out, is representing her silent or invisible force.

Symbols within the vase are visible to the eye but potentially have a deeper meaning. Athena's spear, for example, is not only a symbol of her and her power, but also her strength, agility, and rule. The snake that Jason is killing symbolizes the power that one can have when there is someone powerful helping you out. In the original story, Jason would've had a different companion with him and she would lure the snake to sleep, but this vase is representing Athena's support and power to help him get the golden fleece.

Anonymous said...

In the image on this vase, it shows the hero Jason, reaching for the golden fleece. Above him is a serpent, awake, the part in the myth where Medea uses her magic to distract the serpent is not present in this representation. Behind Jason, is Athena, shown by her spear, gear and headdress. Although she is not visible to the hero, she is present in mimicking his reach, providing Jason with courage, guiding him into his bold and courageous action of taking the fleece right under the "nose" of the serpent. Behind Athena is a picture of a boat, the Argo, which also shows Athena's presence since she is the goddess of boat making. Further more, Athena's help can be shown through the building and successful functionality of the boat, helping Jason complete his quest. Athena is known for her action in helping heroes either by presenting herself in other forms such as olive trees/branches, owls, boats, etc. or by her actual form standing beside the hero, helping them, most likely invisible to them though.

Anonymous said...

This vase features Athena and Jason. We can tell it is Jason because he is a man on the left side, reaching for a fleece. We can tell is is Athena because it is a very large, armored figure on the right side. Athena is often known to help mortal heroes that she likes; that seems to be the case for Jason. Athena seems to be helping Jason as she stands behind him with her spear not drawn. she points towards the fleece suggesting that she wants Jason to grab it. To the far right there is the ship that Jason used to travel to retrieve the fleece. The ship is on the far right to symbolize that the Gods' supported and blessed Jason's journey.

Anonymous said...

The vase is of Athena, Jason, and another figure. Jason appears in front of Athena telling that he is being guided and helped by her to take the golden fleece which he is reaching for. Athena is in the middle to the right of Jason showing that she is immortal.

Unknown said...

In this dipiction, we see Jason reaching for the golden fleece. To get the fleece he has to fight the serpant, and as he fights he has Athena at his back, helping him along the way even if he may not see her.

Anonymous said...

This would be the myth of Jason, and you can see Athena. Athena is unseen by Jason and his fellow men, but she seems to be creating a force to help Jason get the fleece from the monster. Athena's hand is parallel to Jason's arm showing that she might be helping Jason in the obtaining of the fleece. Usually when you see Athena, she has extended the boundaries and gone over what she has meant to do, but in this vase we can see that she is within the boundaries and still yet helping Jason. Jason looks to be scared Maybe symbolizing his death and his demise, but he is still standing and helping. The ship which is on the right side, might be there do to the fact that it has been helped by other gods to make this trip.

Anonymous said...

Jason is on the left and facing left trying to get the golden fleece, showing that he is mortal and is focused on mortal tasks. Athena is in the middle, facing to the left towards Jason. She is between mortality and godliness, and is invisible to Jason which means that she helps him in ways he may not be able to recognize but the story teller/myth readers understand her sacrifice. Her hand is pointed up towards the fleece, indicating her participation and help with Jason's quest. Athena is recognized due to the helmet and spear, and is the goddess of war and struggle, which is what Jason is currently experiencing. The man on the right is also facing left towards Jason. So, he is godly, however unlike Athena, he does not to anything to assist Jason.

HenryG said...

I think what this vase is trying to show is Athena in the middle And i think Zeus(On the right), and Jason On the left. It appears that Jason can't see the gods but they are there cheering him on. you can also tell that it is Athena by the fact she has her spear, the fact that she brought her spear means that she is trying to lead Jason to some sort of victory. The Figure on the right I think is Zeus because of the face, But it doesn't really seem like he is there to support Jason but instead to just observe him.

Anonymous said...

I think this vase has to do with the retrieval of The Golden Fleece. It looks like there is a male figure, Jason, that is reaching for the fleece. In the myth, Athena helps Jason so the woman standing in the center of the vase is most likely Athena. The figure on the right is probably an Argonaut.

Anonymous said...

In the Greek art it shows Jason grabbing the Golden Fleece with this gods watching him. I think that the art is showing how the gods helped Jason get the Golden Fleece.Specifically Athena helped Jason get the fleece which is the reason why she is in the middle of the art. Athena could be standing behind Jason because she is controlling the situation a little bit in Jason's favor.

Anonymous said...

The vase depicts the golden ram's fleece and Jason's quest to retrieve it. Athena and another impressive form (a god?) wait unseen on the right side of the vase which reveals their constant guidance or ability to intervene and provide help to the heroes they favor. Jason seems diminutive compared to the gods and his mortal body remains unclothed. This suggests that he is vulnerable and fragile compared to the gods, a point which is reinforced by the scars on his chest. The gods' gazes meet the golden fleece and Athena's hand mirrors the motions of Jason as he reaches out to claim the ram. This may suggest that she is constantly willing him to succeed or indirectly leading him to success through her guidance. The figures on the right watch intently as he completes this stage of his quest.

Anonymous said...

On the left Jason is pictured reaching up to grab the golden fleece. On his right Athena is pictured with her spear and helmet raising her arm towards Jason as if she is raising him up towards what he is reaching for. Above Jason you can see the snake looking down at Jason from over the fleece. This could be depicting Jason’s courage on his quest, defying the danger that the snake poses. He has the help of the goddess Athena and the god Hermes who looks to be pictured on the right alongside Jason’s ship. Athena fills the vase from top to bottom and is magnificently dressed as is Hermes which could be showing the greatness of the gods.

Anonymous said...

The placement of the people on the vase, with Jason on the far left and an Argonaut on the far right and with Athena in the middle, there is a directional interpretation of how Jason and the Argonaut are both mortals, and that Athena's center placement is what defines her immortality within the art. With Athena, she is unseen to Jason or the other mortal, shown by how there is an overlap between Jason and Athena. She is leading him silently and without being watched. The borders of the vase are uninterrupted, meaning that the characters of the story haven't gone outside of their jurisdiction in this scene. Athena is also using her primary manifestation as a goddess, complete with helmet and spear as she has no need to be in any other form in order to aid Jason.