Tuesday, January 5, 2021


“We go about our daily lives understanding almost nothing of the world. We give little thought to the machinery that generates the sunlight that makes life possible, to the gravity that glues us to an Earth that would otherwise send us spinning off into space, or to the atoms of which we are made and on whose stability we fundamentally depend. Except for children (who don’t know enough not to ask the important questions), few of us spend much time wondering why nature is the way it is; where the cosmos came from, or whether it is always here; if time will one day flow backward and effects precede causes; or whether there are ultimate limits to what humans can know.”
-Carl Sagan from an introduction to A Brief History of Time By Stephen Hawking

After hearing and reading your peer's reactions during class about the listed quotation, what new insight can you add to this quotation analysis? Please respond during your first class on Tues., Jan. 6th


Anonymous said...

This quote really says a lot about our current state of being. Because of technology now, people pay little attention to nature and how the world works. It causes people to get distracted and not pay attention to the world now. A lot less people ask questions or try to research because you can look things up with the click of a button. Kids do ask a lot of interesting questions that adults and older kids don't think about. These have a lot to do with why life is like the way it is. Kids ask questions about this because they really want to know, while adults just accept how life is and don't really ask questions about it. This made me think about why thinks happen the way they do and even though people have done research and come up with answers, we really have no idea why. My personal favorite to think about is what if rocks are actually squishy but they tense up when we touch them? We would never know.

Anonymous said...

I think that we still do things like making up stories to substitute for science. For example, and this is coming from someone who doesn't know a whole lot about science, but why are the sunsets in the Islamorada, one island alone in the Florida Keys, have purple sunsets. I could understand why people would make stories to explain things that they didn't understand.

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Anonymous said...

As technology progresses humans don't feel the need to ask the deeper meaning of stuff. I also heard of the leader of the israeli space program tell people that there is a galactic federation and the people on earth don't know about. I think it is a necessity for community to ask questions about whats going on around them.

Anonymous said...

I think that this quote shows how much we still don't know about our universe but we still don't ask questions or think about any of it. We just go with our lives and if something happens that makes you think you think about it for a minute or two and move on.

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Anonymous said...

This quote explains the idea that we put our trust into the unknown hoping it won't betray us. That we trust so easily in things we don't know how it works or where it came from. It can also show the unpredictability of life itself and how we will never have all the answers but we have to trust that we will someday. - Hailey S.

Anonymous said...

I think tis quote is saying that we need to spend more time in nature and doing meaningful things not only to help ourselves but to help people In general. I also believe this quote could be saying we don’t know a lot about The universe And their is so much we don’t understand about it.

Anonymous said...

This really makes me think about what we don't know in the universe, people can be saying they know what is really happening but they don't and whe'll never know if its true or not.- Ty Scheckenbach

Anonymous said...

This quote made me think about how people pay little attention to the world around us and just rely on technology to get us through. It makes me think that some people want to have an explanation for every little thing possible, but in reality, sometimes you just need to sit back and let life play out. I genuinely believe everything happens for a reason so no matter what the world might throw at me, I just need to let it happen. Not everything in the world can be proven with a fact, some of those ideas people learn on their own, and that influences their life as a whole

Austin Weidman said...

the quote makes me think about how small we are if the scheme of the universe