Monday, February 11, 2019

Trusting Cupid?

What is your reaction to the Cupid And Psyche myth's proclamation about "trust" within relationships? Please comment with quotations and/or references from the myth. This blog response should be completed by 3:40p.m. on Thursday, February 14th, 2019.


Anonymous said...

the definition of trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. so in the myth cupid asks psyche to not look at his face and she says that she wouldn't. she doesn't look at his but she starts to get curios with what his face looks like so she goes into his room one night and shines a light on his face to see what it looks like and he wakes with ho wax touching his arm. in which he leaves her. but eventually he comes back to her to forgive her and saves her from a mist that puts her to sleep and they live together again.

Anonymous said...

The Cupid and Psyche myth teaches us that trust is not refraining from secrets, but letting them be free. When Psyche breaks her promise to Cupid, she isn't the one violating trust. Cupid held the secret of his face from Psyche and, as always, the truth found its way out. Their marriage was good before, but after all their secrets were let loose they became their happiest selves.

Anonymous said...

I think the Cupid and Psyche myth is interesting in the fact that it has little connection to modern day relationships. The whole myth is based on the fact of trusting your partner and being content with the unknown. With social media and technology, it can be hard to trust people because they have everything at the click of a button. I think this could be something to open people's eyes to trust the right people.

Anonymous said...

The Cupid and Psyche myth teaches us how trust is needed in relationships, but if it is broken, it is hard to get back. When Psyche looked at Cupid, she lost his trust. He left immediately, and his mother sent her on a dangerous quest to get it back. Psyche had to go on a dangerous quest to gain back trust. There needs to be trust in a relationship, not one way, but with eachother.

Anonymous said...

I think that the myth's standard of love is a lot different than it is today. There should be trust within relationships but sometimes that trust can be broken, but that doesn't mean leaving your partner. In the myth the trust they had was a one way thing, Cupid just had to trust Psyche wouldn't look at him. If the trust they gave each other wasn't two ways, then they probably wouldn't have worked out.

Anonymous said...

The Cupid and Psyche myth is very important to love and what love means. Throughout the story there are many examples of what love should and should not look like. For example, the fact that Psyche betrayed Cupid because she looked at him when he told her she could not. That is an example of what love should not look like. There should always be trust. But if trust is lost, the story shows perfectly how one should act to get it back. They should act with bravery with the mindset of getting their love back just like how Psyche was willing and able to do all of the impossible tasks that Venus assigned her. Overall, the myth shows that trust is very important to have a love that is acted upon but if there is not trust that does not mean love can't exist. It just means it cannot be acted upon.

Anonymous said...

The Cupid and Psyche myth shows that trust is the root of love and a relationship in the most extreme way. I felt that the story and myth portrayed woman as disobedient and non trust worthy and I find it to be a very sexist. I disliked that part of the story but the message of the myth I felt was a truth that most people need to learn in order to have successful relationships of any kind. I think the idea of the myth is the most basic understanding of trust and love, I do find that in our society it can differ and vary depending on each individual you ask. I find that the myth/story portrays a unhealthy relationship in the beginning. In the myth, Cupid is very controlling and asks much of Psyche as she is not allowed to look at him. He feels that it is ok to do this as he provides materialistic things that supposedly show is "trust" and "love". The situation is supposed to show Psyche's trust and dedication to the relationship. But as expected, she is persuaded by outside environments and looks at Cupid and the trust is broken. I believe this happened because there was little effort, trust, and dedication on Cupids part and in the end it resulted in Psyche breaking Cupid's trust. After Psyche then proved her love to Cupid and his mother, the end up have a very healthy relationship where they are both trusting of each other and both very in love. I believe this happened because Cupid displayed his love and trust when he saved Psyche from the box from the queen of the underworld and Psyche was able to display her love and trust by going on a quest for many different things.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Cupids and Psyche's myth proclamation about trust is extremely essential. Without trusting and communicating, you and your partner can not have an actual relationship. Trust builds confidence and confidence can turn into love. Cupid tells psyche that she can never look at him, and she betrays his trust. He then leaves and due to Psyche's love for him, she has these challenges to win his heart back. She has to have the confidence to do these challenges.

Anonymous said...

the cupids and psyches myth is very important because without communication there is no such thing as love. and if you do find love you there is no way you can trust the individual but I think that's why he left.

Anonymous said...

Cupid and Phyches because in a stable relationship you need to have good communication and without that there is no real way that you can talk to the other person and that means that there isn't a stable relationship

Anonymous said...

Myths show it much different than they do today, but they still have some similar aspects. One of the biggest concepts that keep coming up is the idea of trust in their relationship. Every story tells of a where trust is lost, or sometimes gained, but it is always mentioned. I think that they are trying to teach people that trust is the most important part of a relationship, and should you should always trust the person you love. Just like in the story Cupid and Psyche, Cupid wouldn't allow Psyche to see his face, and I believe that he is testing her to see if she is trustworthy. Since Psyche went against his orders, and looked at his face he couldn't trust her and ran away. It truly shows how trust is so important, and why it needs to appear in all relationships.

Aiden Graeber said...

I think that the myth shows a lot about love. Throughout the story there are many examples of what love should and should not look like. For example, the fact that Psyche betrayed Cupid because she looked at him when he told her she could not. It also shows how love can never be broken, this is seen when psyche betrays cupid and cupid ultimately forgives her in the end. The two lovers boundless love could not be broken, showing how true love can endure.

Anonymous said...

I think that the myth shows the values behind trust. In a relationship, I think trust is the most important thing. In the myth this value is broken, when Psyche looks at Cupid while he's sleeping. This hurts their relationship but then leads to new journeys that are completely due to desire. This breaking of trust allowed their love to continue on, and overall this myth shows the values of a relationship.

Anonymous said...

This myth is a good example of all relationships first needing the foundation of trust. Without trust, relationships are superficial. Cupid needed to know that Psyche's intentions were pure and that her trust in him was real. Cupid tested Psyche but not allowing her to see his face. Psyche had faith in Cupid, but found that faith sometimes is not enough and felt that she needed proof. Of course this story ended happy, but required both Cupid and Psyche to be honest with themselves. That honesty led back to foundation of trust.

Anonymous said...

In the story of cupid and psyche we see an example of a relationship that existed purely on trust only. In this case we see such an abundance of trust that an entire relationship of love can be built on top.

Anonymous said...

This myth is a good example of the level of trust in a relationship with little information know by one another. In the myth Psyche does not know what Cupid looks like and is not allowed to look at him but is tempted because she does not have very much trust.

Otherwise Known As Anzii said...

Mheret Tatek

I feel that this story does not display trust in an accurate, or at least healthy, manner. Psyche is expected to curb her curiosity, and is simply supposed to love, marry, and even have children with a man whose face she's never seen. Her punishment, and Aphrodite's retribution is also particularly cruel. I understand the story is meant to explain the relationship between love and the human psyche - treacherous and complicated- but the display of trust is quote warped when put up against what a healthy and stable relationship should look like.