Sunday, November 30, 2014

"The Iliad" Educational Video And Heroic Elements?

What significant idea presented within The Iliad Educational Portal Link Video helps you establish a better understanding of the Heroic Elements: Heroic, HubrisGuest/Host (Xenia)?  Why?  Please explain and defend your thinking using references to the video's content.  This blog response is due by 2:30p.m. on Dec. 4th, 2014.


Anonymous said...

The video gave me a better understanding of what xenia is. Telling quite simply its devine law that people are required to host traveling strangers, and how important this rule truly is. Seeing how it started an entire trojan war. Movie stopped at around 6 minutes, required a free trial for the website to go on.

Anonymous said...

In the video it claims there is a law made by Zeus saying you must be hospitable to strangers, this relates to the guest host relationship because the guest host relationship can be upheld or violated depending on how someone treats their guests, either poorly or well. It also helped me better understand why guest host was so important because it said that travelers had no guarantee about where they could stay or get a meal like we have today. Another relation of the video is Achilles and upholding the heroic code. Achilles represents this well because he goes on his quest for mortality, and also tries to be a part of a warrior society...

Anonymous said...

This video explains what Xenia and Hubris are in more detail. It showed that the stories were told orally and even though the Illiad was long, it was still told orally. The Illiad is the longest epic containing over 15,000 lines. The significant idea presented that helped me understand these things was the idea of Paris running off with Helen. Paris dishonored the guest/host relationship.

It stopped halfway through and did not let us continue.

Anonymous said...

When Paris was a guest at Menlaus's house, he took Menlaus's wife and completely ravished the guest/host, or Xenia, relationship. Because Paris took Helen in Menlaus's home instead of out on the street, he has become the face of the start of the Trojan War. The Greeks did not obey the guest/host relationship which is why the war even started. The Greeks over stepped their bounds and from there it was all downhill. There was no way for the Trojans to respect the Greeks any longer, so they fought over the smallest thing. Clearly, Xenia was one of the things that started this epic war in history.

Anonymous said...

The video explained Xenia and Hubris in more detail. The guest/host (Xenia) was very important in this time because it could provide shelter and food for travelers , because there was no guarantee that they would find food and shelter on their journeys. There are also large consequences for breaking the guest/host relationship. The video showed this with Paris and Helen in the Iliad, which started the Trojan War. Also Achilles was mortal and wanted to rise to everything he could as a moral by upholding the heroic code.

Macon said...

The video showed how the guest/host relationship came to be. There were no set laws throughout the land, so unless there was a good guest/host relationship, there would be no travelers.

Anonymous said...

After viewing “The Iliad Educational Video” there were many heroic elements involved. The elements included in the video showed heroic code, hubris, and guest host relationship. Heroic code is shown through honor. Many of the heroes gain honor throughout their journey as well as other qualities such as courage and strength gained through their heroic journey. One character that shows a great amount of hubris is Achilles. He displays hubris, or xenia throughout the Iliad because of his excessive pride. In the Iliad he is driven by his pride. He also has a desire for other heroic qualities. Guest host relationship is shown in the Iliad through some of the people and events occurring. People help each other and in return they gain something as well. Shelter and food would be provided for people and without people helping there would not be a good or reliable guest host relationship.

Anonymous said...

This video showed Xenia which is when a host must take any stranger in as a guest. This was one of the most important rules because when Paris broke this rule the Trojan war started. Also this video explained how the Illiad contains over 15,000 lines.

Anonymous said...

The significant idea presented within the video is the idea of host/ guest relationship. It gave me a better idea of what xenia is. The video said it is a law that people are required to host all traveling strangers.
Knowing that this one little law started a war, this video shows how important xenia is.
The video ended early, so we can't completely finish this blog post.

Anonymous said...

This video shows of what xenia really is. Telling the law that people are required to host strangers. It isn't anything that would really happen, we don't usually welcome hitchhikers we leave them on the side of the road if you think about it. It is explained that people are much better and nicer in this video than we are in real life. Xenia is a law that is important to these people, it starts a Trojan war. Movie stopped at about 6 minutes so we did not finish the video.

Anonymous said...

It helped me understand more about xenia. It basically says that you were required by divine law to host travelers. But because one man broke that divine law. The Trojan War was started because of a dumb move. Movie stopped early.

Unknown said...

When Paris of troy went into agamemnons brothers house for housing helped me understand the greek concept of xenia because any traveler whether it be familiar or a stranger will be accepted in. It benefits both because the host will get news and the traveler gets a bed and a hot meal. That all went astray because paris demanded Agamemnons brother for his wife Helen because "Athena said so" causing the war of troy. Helen was then named the face that launched a thousand ships.

Anonymous said...

The Iliad demonstrates guest/host relationships, hubris, and heroic code. Xenia is an example of guest host relationship. Xenia explains that when a person travels people must provide hospitality for that person. The host provides food, drinks, and sleep while the guest provides conversation. This guest/host relationship also provides internal/external compassion and the guest and host often remain good friends. Achilles shows both heroic elements and hubris. Some of his heroic elements include the desire to be recognized and pursuing excellence. He is full of pride making him guilty of hubris.

Anonymous said...

The video explained Xenia and how it made it easier for people to travel and know they would have somewhere to stay. And when you would be a guest you would help the host by establishing new relationships which help prevent war.But it also started a war when Paris kidnapped Helen of Troy. This incident started the Trojan war. And then the video cut off and said you needed to sign up to continue.

Anonymous said...

In the video, the guest/host relationship, hubris, and xenis are are explained in further detail. The guest/host relationship in mythology is very important. It shows how loyalty and having a chance to show how convivial you are toward strangers. It was almost a sacred tradition taught by Zeus. Another factor that displays just how important that relationship is, is the start of the Trojan War, when Paris violated that relationship and ran off with Helen. [Video ended early]