Thursday, February 2, 2012

Trusting Cupid?

What is your reaction to the Cupid And Psyche myth's proclamation about "trust" within relationships? Please comment with quotations and/or references from the myth. This blog response should be completed by 8:30a.m. on Thursday, February 2nd, 2012.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think in a relationship trust is the most important thing because if you cant trust some one how can you spend your life with that person?

Anonymous said...

With Cupid, there is no need for trust. You are not falling in love with someone because you trust them and have learned over time to love them. You are in love with the person because Cupid, in his little diaper, set you two up. There is no need for trust, because you will love them no matter what happens. There is no way to have a lack of trust. If shot by one of Cupid's arrows, you see past anything bad and love them no matter what. Trust is unimportant in Cupid's mind, but sadly that's not how things work in real life.

Dominic P. said...

When cupid shoots his arrow at you to fall in love with someone, there is not trust. Just false love, nothing more, nothing less. Trust is very important in a relationship. Cupid doesn't see it that way, but its true.

Nate H. said...

Cupid and Psyche says a lot about trust. Psyche never saw, and barely even heard or felt, Cupid but felt in her conscience that it was right. She trusted love and that says a lot. Love is a very powerful thing that requires a lot of trust, and trust like that doesn't seem to come any where else. I think that people need to be more trusting of humanity. Everyone has been screwed before, and no one likes it. If people thought about that every time that they were about to hurt someone that trusted them at that time, then a lot of trust and friendships would last longer. People need to spread positive energy and attitudes rather than deceit for personal benefit.

Anonymous said...

The Cupid and Psyche myth should not be used as an example for why trust should exist within a relationship. Trust is built on knowledge of another person. To trust them you have to know them as well or better then they know themselves. You trust them because you know their character and that they will take action that is in the best interests for both of you. This is clearly missing in the myth as Psyche is never actually allowed to see her mysterious lover. Trusting Cupid would be inherently the same as trusting a total stranger who says they know you but truthfully don't. The myth implies that trust should be an automatic in a relationship, but it doesn't just appear there. It must be built up between the partners before it can be counted on to hold up a relationship.

Nate H. said...
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Anonymous said...

Cupid proclaimed, "Love cannot live where there is no trust,". I don't believe it is impossible to love someone without trust, but it is much more difficult to. Cupid found Psyche after his wound had healed, showing that he still loved her, but after a short respite. Though Cupid said he could not live where he could not trust someone, I think his love was more powerful than his mistrust. This exhibits how it is possible to have some mistrust in a relationship and still love someone.

Anonymous said...

I think that with Cupid there is no real trust. You get hit and fall in love, but is that love real true love? No, there is no trust in that in my mind. You just can't help it.

Anonymous said...

The strongest and weakest trait a relationship can have is trust. The ability for it to enhance a relationship and ruin one are very similar. In the myth, both parties dealt with trust issues. Psyche had to trust that her “lover” would not injury or hurt her as her father had told her he would; Cupid had to trust Psyche to follow with what he told her to accomplish and still love him although his appearance could not be seen. The moment a person close at heart plants an idea into any one's mind, the perspective of trust can be altered, as seen when Psyche's sisters told her “...that her husband was not a man, but the fearful serpent Apollo's oracle had declared he would be.” (99). Psyche's thoughts of her husband were completely altered, ruining all trust she had for him. However, when Venus found out it was Psyche who married Cupid, her faith for Cupid to help her through Venus' tough tasks never wavered, and his trust for her to do as he said never wavered. At the end, the lack of trust of one situation leaded to more trust of another situation. There are many factors that lead into a trust topic, but Psyche and Cupid beat the odds.

Anonymous said...

Psyche could not see her lover so she really had to trust cupid because he picked her lover. She trusted her sisters who betrayed her instead of the one who loved her just because she couldn't see him. You have to out your trust in certain people even when it's hard

marandaD said...

While reading Cupid And Psyche the quote that stood out to me was"Love cannot live where there is no trust," (page 100). At first, I thought the quote was extremely beautiful but the more I thought about it, the more I began to disagree. I'm seventeen and don't know the first thing about love, but love has one obvious quality; you cant choose whom you love. I strongly believe that we only truly love once, because in order to love you must fully give your heart away, vulnerable and all. But if you truly gave your heart away, your never getting it back whether you trust the person or not. We all want trust to be the main security with in our love lives, but there are cases where we don't have control over loving an untrustworthy person.

Casey W said...

Trust is a fundamental element in relationships and relationships cannot exist without it. Trust is something that is gained and earned but is not typically just around without some work. Psyche chose to trust her new companion without ever seeing him or ever truly knowing him. Because she never knew his true alias or personality, she was easily persuaded and quickly compromised by her sisters. Had she have truly known him, there would have been a level of trust between Psyche and Cupid that would have never allowed Psyche to doubt her husband. This supports my thoughts that a successful relationship cannot exist without love. Trust that is developed and earned between two people allows them to share a relationship that is strong and foundational.

Anonymous said...

I think when there is cupid that there is no trusting. You should just love them because it is not all about trust is what cupid thinks.Cupid thinks that trust is not very important.Trust for cupid doesn't seem to be a big part for cupid and relationships. In real life it is very different then cupids way.Cupid just shoots arrows for you to fall in love there is no trust involved with that its just that you fall in love. Trust is a very important thing in relationships but cupid does not think so.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion there can be no relationship between two people or gods if there is not trust. because instead of loving that person the spouse will always be worrying that the other is going to do what they did again. Trust needs to be in a relationship so love and can have a good foundation. If there is trust then a good relationship will come from that. It doesn't matter if you are Cupid or not there is still going to be that memory unless it is resolved.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Cupid in this myth. When Psyche didn't trust all the advice that he was giving her, she was not trusting his judgement. When your in a relationship, honesty and trust is what builds it. Cudpid said "Love cannot live where there is no trust" and I agree. If you can't trust someone how can you love them?

Anonymous said...

Trust is pertinent to having a successful, loving relationship.Cupid himself says, "Love cannot live where there is no trust" (100). He gives this reason to Psyche before he leaves her. Even though Cupid's reason for why Psyche has to trust him may seem unreasonable to us, the underlying theme of trust within love is displayed throughout the story. Also the myth reveals the effects of disobeying the one you love: "Psyche left alone, sat still and stared at the heap. Her mind was all in a maze because of the cruelty of the command; and, indeed, it was no use to start a task so manifestly impossible" (102). Psyche’s consequences she faced by not trusting Cupid were unbearable. The myth between Psyche and Cupid is a reflection on how the Greeks viewed love and trust.

Rae.A said...

Trust in a relationship is important, most people want a little mystery with thier signifigant other.And that is just what Psyche had until she could no longer keep the unknown known. When she finally saw her husband who was not a scaley monster but the beautiful Cupid she could not resist herself and therefore lost him and put herself through the most trecherous of tasks to get him back.

AbbyC2014 said...

I think that Cupid and Psyche showed the message that love is nothing without trust. It is what truly binds a relationship, because if Phyche loved the other with all her heart, there would be no question as to her trust in her secret husband. I think this story relates a lot to the saying that "love is blind." She was blind to the appearance of her husband, so she was too curious and uncertain about him that she tried to expose the mystery of her lover because of her lack of trust in him. And in the end, that's what hurt Cupid most of all.

brendand said...

stlI think this myth does show one important thing about trust which is that trust is important in a relationship but there is a problem with the way they show this to us. The trust in psyche is flawed because the trust has to go both ways and obviously cupid doesnt trust psyche otherwise he would let her see him.