Thursday, April 23, 2015

"The Iliad" Educational Video And Heroic Elements

What significant idea presented within The Iliad Educational Portal Link Video helps you establish a better understanding of the Heroic Elements: Heroic, HubrisGuest/Host (Xenia)?  Why?  Please explain and defend your thinking using references to the video's content.  This blog response is due by 2:30p.m. today.

"The Iliad?" "The Odyssey?"

With reference to The Iliad/Odyssey, what did it make you contemplate regarding archetypal patterns? Homecoming? Pride? The hero? Divinities? Heroic Code? Guest/Host? Hubris? Other? Please quote from either text or the video. Please complete this blog response during class today.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hercules Or Heracles? What Do We Know?

Based upon your prior knowledge or cultural literacy, what do you know about Hercules, the famous Greek hero?  Please specify, explain, argue, and share your understanding of Hercules.  Complete this blog during class today.